
Structural Audit

What is a structural audit?

The meaning of ‘structural audit’ is an examination of the overall health of a building to ensure that it is safe, risk-free and habitable. The purpose of a structural audit is to correctly identify parts or sections of a building that may need immediate repair, renovation, or replacement. Structural audits are performed by licensed consultants who have the required expertise in civil construction and are impanelled with the government authorities.

A structural audit is government-mandated. For buildings that are between 15 to 30 years old, the statutory requirement is to conduct a structural audit once in 5 years. For buildings over 30 years, a structural audit must be conducted once every 3 years. The said durations begin from the date the completion certificate/occupation certificate was issued or since at least 50% of the occupation of the built-up area, whichever comes first.

Purpose of the Structural Audit 

To enhance the overall lifecycle of the building, its components need to be periodically examined so that there is no danger to its inhabitants. Areas in need of crucial repairs need to be identified to employ corrective measures so that the day-to-day life of the residents is not inconvenienced on account of unexpected leakages or breakages.

In the probable scenario that the builder has cut corners and left any sections of the building prone to collapse or faster dilapidation, a structural audit is your best bet to avert any disasters. Even if the building is relatively sound in its basic framework, it is likely that during a preceding repair or renovation, less-than-ideal quality materials were used that have led to further damage or leakage. In cases where continuous neglect from the stakeholders persists, it may happen that a massive redevelopment project needs to be undertaken, costing the residents an exorbitant amount of money. A structural audit is a highly recommended preventive measure to avoid any calamitous eventualities altogether.

What are the stages of a structural audit?

To begin with, the society needs to hire a Project Consultant/Agency after inviting tenders from prospective service providers. The estimated repairs or preventive actions need to be approved in a general body meeting. Once an agency is appointed, it is the responsibility of the society’s committee to provide them with all the pertinent details, plans and designs of the building including information on any previous reparations and maintenance history. Below are the phases and techniques of a structural audit.

1. Visual Inspection

The first stage of a structural audit consists of a visual inspection that should lead to the identification of defects, material degradation, and deformation of any sections or interior components. If alterations, additions or replacements are needed, they should be identified during the visual inspection too.

All elements of the building are examined, including but not limited to,columns, beams, slabs, balconies, false ceilings, roofs, parapets, railings, rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, lofts, mezzanine floors, stairways, water tanks,storage, plumbing lines, drainage lines. These inspections are carried out in order to ascertain cracks/deflections in retaining walls, leakages, and concrete durability. Dampness in the walls is also inspected along with varying loads on the structure that may have occurred. Additionally, soil bearing capacity is determined through pit trials or from soil data of the vicinity.

2. Non-destructive Testing

The structural integrity of a building is initially determined by the visual inspection; however, the strength and durability of concrete is an essential factor that decides its longevity and safety. For this purpose, non-destructive testing (NDT) should be carried out to check concrete strength, chemical attack resistance, corrosion assessment, among other things. Below are the common techniques to assess whether your building’s concrete will stand the test of time.

Rebound hammer Test on beams, slabs, etc. to check the compressive strength of the concrete.

Ultrasonic pulse Velocity Test to inspect cracks and to test the quality of concrete and natural rocks in the building.

Core testing consists of a method in which samples are tested in a laboratory to determine strength.

Chemical tests are performed to check carbonation and pH, water/acid soluble chloride and sulphate contents of the concrete.

Rebar locators and cover meters are used to check the cover, diameter and reinforcement of steel

Water permeability test is carried out to check the resistance of concrete underwater pressure.

A half-cell potential test is done to check corrosion or the possibility of it in the steel.

Some other popular tests in current practice are Leak Testing, electromagnetic testing, Laser Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, etc.

Earthquake resistance (seismic diagnosis test) and fire readiness (fire fighting system analysis) is measured and analysed by the structural auditors in addition to the above-mentioned tests.

3. Analysis Report

A structural audit report is presented to the society by the consultant details the following:

Recommendations for repairs based on the assessment of deterioration, breakage, and materials

Retrofitting, and restoration measures to bring the damaged components up to the required standard

Strengthening the current components of the building to make it more resistant to collapse and increase its load-bearing capacity

The consultant provides the cost of labour, materials, equipment, and overall services to the society in the audit report, and offers expertise on future maintenance and cost-effective measures to slow down future deterioration.

Electric Installation

Electrical installations in India must adhere to Indian electrical standards and regulations to ensure safety, reliability, and efficiency. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS establish and maintain these standards). Here's why following Indian electrical standards is crucial and some key aspects to consider:

Importance of Indian Electrical standards:

1. Safety: The primary purpose of electrical standards is to ensure the safety of people, property, and the environment. Compliance with these standards reduces the risk of electrical accidents, fires, and electric shocks.

2. Reliability: Following standards helps ensure the reliability of electrical systems. Properly designed and installed systems are less prone to failures and downtime, which is critical for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

3. Consistency: Standards provide uniformity in electrical systems, making it easier for electricians, engineers, and contractors to design, install, and maintain electrical installations. This consistency improves system interoperability and troubleshooting.

4. Legal Compliance: It is a legal requirement to adhere to national electrical codes and standards when installing electrical systems. Non-compliance can lead to legal penalties and liability in case of accidents.

Key Aspects of Electrical Installation per Indian Standards:

1. IS 732: 1989 - Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations: This code provides guidelines for the installation of electrical wiring systems, including rules for wiring methods, cable selection, and placement of outlets and switches.

2. IS 1646: 2012 - Code of Practice for Fire Safety of Buildings (General): Electrical Installations: This standard addresses fire safety aspects of electrical installations, including wiring methods, electrical panels, and fire-resistant materials.

3. IS 3043: 2018 - Code of Practice for Earthing: Proper earthing is essential for electrical safety. This standard covers the design and installation of earthing systems to protect against electric shock and lighting.

4. IS 732: 1989 - Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations: This code provides guidelines for the installation of electrical wiring systems, including rules for wiring methods, cable selection, and placement of outlets and switches.

5. IS 732 (Part 1): 2019 - Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations (General) - Part 1: General Requirements: Part 1 of this code focuses on general requirements for electrical wiring installations, including considerations for wiring materials, protection against overcurrent, and more.

6. IS 732 (Part 2): 2013 - Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations (General) - Part 2: Earthing Arrangements: Part 2 of IS 732 deals specifically with earthing arrangements, grounding, and protection against electric shock.

7. IS 732 (Part 3): 2013 - Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations (General) - Part 3: Wiring Systems and Components: Part 3 covers wiring systems and components, including cable selection, conduit installations, and protection against mechanical damage.

8. IS 732 (Part 4): 2013 - Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations (General) - Part 4: Selection of Cables: Part 4 focuses on cable selection, considering factors like current-carrying capacity and voltage drop.

9. IS 732 (Part 5): 2013 - Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installations (General) - Part 5: Selection of Wiring Systems and Components: Part 5 provides guidelines for selecting wiring systems and components based on environmental and usage conditions.

Adhering to these standards is critical to ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical installations in India. It is essential to consult the latest version of these standards and work with qualified electricians and engineers who are knowledgeable about Indian electrical codes and regulations.


Design building refers to the intentional and creative process of planning, conceptualizing, and specifying the layout, appearance, functionality, and structural elements of a building or structure. It encompasses architectural design, interior design, and structural design, among other aspects. Design is of paramount importance in building for several compelling reasons:

1. Functionality: Design ensures that the building serves its intended purpose effectively. Whether it's a home, office, school, hospital, or any other type of structure, design dictates how spaces are organized and how they accommodate the activities and needs of the occupants.

2. Aesthetics: Design influences the visual appeal and aesthetics of a building. An attractive and well-designed building can enhance its surroundings, contribute to the local environment, and create a positive impression.

3. User Experience: Good design prioritizes the comfort and convenience of the building's users. Thoughtful interior layouts, lighting, ventilation, and ergonomics enhance the overall experience of those inside the building.

4. Efficiency: Efficient design minimizes wasted space, resources, and energy. It ensures that the building functions optimally while using resources effectively, which can lead to cost savings.

5. Safety: Design plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of a building. Structural design, in particular, ensures that the building can withstand various forces, such as wind, earthquakes, and loads, without compromising safety.

6. Sustainability: Modern building design increasingly focuses on sustainability. Sustainable design incorporates energy-efficient systems, environmentally friendly materials, and practices that reduce the building's environmental impact.

7. Compliance: Design professionals must ensure that the building adheres to local building codes and regulations. Proper design ensures that the building meets safety, accessibility, and zoning requirements.

8. Resilience: In areas prone to natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes, resilient design is crucial. Proper design can make a building more resistant to damage and quicker to recover from disasters.

9. Value: Well-designed buildings often have higher market value. They can command higher rent or sale prices, making them more financially valuable assets.

10. Longevity: A carefully planned and designed building is likely to have a longer lifespan with less maintenance and renovation needs.

11. Adaptability: Design can also account for future needs and adaptability. A flexible design allows for modifications and expansions, accommodating changing requirements.

12. Community Impact: Buildings are part of the community and have a social impact. Good design contributes positively to the community, fostering a sense of place and community pride.

In summary, design in the building is essential because it determines the form and function of structures, affecting not only the quality of life for occupants but also their safety, sustainability, and the long-term value of the building. Well-designed buildings are more efficient, aesthetically pleasing, and adaptable to changing needs, making them integral to the built environment.


A building plan, also known as an architectural or construction plan, is a comprehensive document that outlines the design, layout, and specifications of a building project. Building plans serve as a roadmap for the construction process, ensuring that all aspects of the project are well-documented and communicated to various stakeholders. Here are the key elements typically included in building plans:

1. Architectural Drawings:

   - Site Plan: An overview of the property showing the building's location, setbacks, access points, and landscaping.

   - Floor plans: Detailed drawings of each floor, illustrating the layout of rooms, walls, doors, windows, and other architectural features.

   - Elevations: Drawings depicting the building's external facades from different angles, showing the exterior design.

   - Sections: Cross-sectional views of the building, providing insights into its vertical structure.

   - Roof Plan: A drawing showing the layout of the roof, including its shape, materials, and features like chimneys or skylights.

   - Details: Detailed drawings of specific architectural elements, such as stairs, railings, and decorative features.

2. Structural Drawings:

   - Foundation plan: Details of the building's foundation, including footing sizes, depths, and materials.

   - Framing Plan: Illustrates the structural framework of the building, including beams, columns, and load-bearing walls.

   - Reinforcement Details: Specifications for the reinforcement of concrete elements, if applicable.

   - Linte land Beam Details: Drawings specifying the size and placement of lintels and beams.

   - Column schedule: Lists the specifications of columns, including sizes, locations, and materials.

3. Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Drawings:

   - Mechanical drawings: Show the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system design.

   - Electrical drawings: Layout of electrical wiring, outlets, switches, and lighting fixtures.

   - Plumbing drawings: Illustrate the plumbing system, including pipes, fixtures, and drainage.

4. Construction Details:

   - Construction Notes: Written instructions, specifications, and materials lists.

   - Material Schedules: Lists of materials to be used in the construction, including quantities and specifications.

   - Door and Window Schedules: Specifications for doors and windows, including sizes and types.

   - Finish Schedules: Details on interior and exterior finishes, such as flooring, paint, and siding.

5. Site Plans and Landscaping:

   - Site Grading Plan: Illustrates the slope and drainage of the site.

   - Landscaping plan: Shows the layout of gardens, paths, trees, and other landscape features.

   - Utility Plans: Depict the locations of utilities such as water supply, sewer lines, and gas lines.

6. Accessibility and Safety:

   - Accessibility Features: Specifications for ramps, handrails, and other features to comply with accessibility codes.

   - Fire Safety Plan: Details on fire exits, sprinkler systems, and other fire safety measures.

7. Construction Phasing and Schedule:

   - A timeline outlining the sequence of construction activities and milestones.

8. Cost estimates and Budget:

   - Estimates of construction costs, including materials and labor, to help with budgeting.

9. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

   - Ensure that the plans adhere to local building codes, zoning regulations, and permit requirements.

10. Special Considerations:

    - Any unique or specialized features of the building, such as solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, or energy-efficient design elements.

In Summary Building plans are typically prepared by architects and engineers, and they serve as a critical communication tool between the design team, contractors, and regulatory authorities to ensure the successful execution of a construction project.


At Lakshmi Engineering Services India Pvt.Ltd,, we specialize in turning your residential dreams into reality. Our residential construction services cover a wide range of projects, from custom homes to renovations and remodeling, laying of cc roads, construction of box drains, Parks, RCC pipelines, SWG pipelines etc.  With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we create homes that reflect your vision and lifestyle.

Key Features:

            •           Customhouse Construction, Box drains, pipelines, roads, culverts etc 

            •           Home renovations and Remodeling

            •           Interior and Exterior Upgrades

            •           Energy-Efficient solutions box

            •           ExceptionalCraftsmanship


With 20+ years of experience, we have successfully completed 75+ residential projects. Our team’s expertise extends to architectural design, structural engineering, interior design, and sustainable construction practices.

Client-Centric Approach:

Your vision is our priority. We work closely with you to understand your needs, preferences, and budget, ensuring that your home reflects your unique style and functionality requirements.

Quality Assurance:

We adhere to stringent quality control measures, using premium materials and following industry best practices to deliver homes that stand the test of time.

Sustainability and Innovation:

Our commitment to sustainability means we incorporate eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient solutions into our residential construction projects. We embrace innovative technologies to enhance your living experience.

Safety and Compliance:

Safety is our top priority. We strictly adhere to safety protocols and comply with all relevant building codes and regulations, ensuring the well-being of our clients and team.

Contact Us:

Ready to start building your dream home? Contact us today to discuss your residential construction project and bring your vision to life.